Cooney Brothers



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Cart Tips
  • To update a quantity, edit the amount, and then click the “Update Qty” link to apply.
  • Estimated shipping charges will be shown on the Order Review page. Estimated tax charges will be updated through each step of checkout based on account status, location, and shipping method selected.
  • To save the items in your cart:
    • Using the “Save Cart” button in the upper right corner of the page will move your entire cart to the “Saved Carts” section of the My Account Menu. Saved Carts are a temporary holding spot for your cart. From your Saved Cart, once you hit the “Move Items to Cart” button, the Saved Cart will no longer exist. Any edits that need to be made to this Saved Cart must be completed on the Cart page. Simply hit the “Move Items to Cart” button, make your edits, and then hit the “Save Cart” button to save the cart again. You can have multiple Saved Carts at any time.
    • Using the “ADD ALL TO LIST” link will allow you to save your items to a list which will remain in the “My Lists” section of the My Account Menu. You can send a copy of your list by email to anyone. Lists can be shared with individuals or shared with all colleagues registered under your Bill To address. You can also allow users to edit your list.